Renowned manga series “Ikoku Nikki” by Tomoko Yamashita is set to conclude its serialization after six years in Feel Young issue 7/2023. The final chapter will be published in the issue that is set to release on June 8th, 2023, and will feature a cover and lead color page.
“Ikoku Nikki” is a human drama that follows the story of a woman in her 30s who is a successful novelist. She takes in an orphaned teenage girl and the two of them face several challenges while living together. The manga has been widely acclaimed for its touching portrayal of the deep bond that develops between the two characters.
"Ikoku Nikki" by Tomoko Yamashita will end in Feel Young issue 7/2023 out June 8 after 6 years of serialization. Cover & Lead Color Page too.
Human Drama about a novelist woman in her 30s taking in a orphan teenage girl & their difficulties of living together.
— Manga Mogura RE (@MangaMoguraRE) May 6, 2023
The news of the manga’s conclusion has left fans emotional, as they have been following the series for years. “Ikoku Nikki” has been praised for its excellent character development, relatable storyline, and heartwarming moments. With the conclusion of the series, fans are eager to see how the story will conclude and what fate will befall the two beloved characters.
Tomoko Yamashita has been known for her exceptional storytelling abilities, and “Ikoku Nikki” is no exception. The manga has been in circulation for six years and has gathered a significant following during its run. Fans have been eagerly anticipating each new release, and the conclusion of the series is sure to be an emotional moment for all.
Overall, the conclusion of “Ikoku Nikki” is a significant moment in the manga industry, and fans can expect the final chapter to be an emotional and satisfying conclusion to this heartwarming tale of family, love, and companionship.
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